Will You Definitely Get COVID If You Don’t Get Vaccinated?

Do You Feel Lucky?

F. Perry Wilson, MD MSCE
5 min readJun 30, 2021


Last week, I had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine from college. Like many docs these days, I find myself doing my best to answer a lot of COVID-related questions from friends and family — ranging from straightforward stuff to edge cases that never seem to quite be covered by the CDC recommendations.

But this one led to a question that I’ve actually been stuck on for a bit — and I want to share my thinking with you.

COVID-19 Mortality risk by age group

My friend has not yet gotten vaccinated. He is not really anti-vaccine. He falls into that more common category of wait and see — nervous about some reported side-effects, in no rush to get the jab. I try to meet people where they are when it comes to this — not overly dogmatic — just trying to honestly outline the risks and benefits. Like me, he’s a forty-something guy without a high-risk medical condition. He understood that, if he were to get COVID, there’s a good chance it would be mild, a small chance it would be severe, and a very small chance it would lead to death. Fine.



F. Perry Wilson, MD MSCE

Medicine, science, statistics. Associate Professor of Medicine and Public Health at Yale. New book “How Medicine Works and When it Doesn’t” available now.