The Unintended Consequences of the Texas “Heartbeat Law”

Abortion restrictions may have led to a dramatic increase in infant mortality.

F. Perry Wilson, MD MSCE


I’m highlighting a study this week that shows us how public policy has effects that can extend well beyond what was intended. It’s about how the choices we make, or perhaps the choices our representatives make, can harm people that they did not intend to harm. It’s a study about Texas SB-8, the so-called “heartbeat bill”. It’s a study about abortion restrictions. And how the strict abortion rules in Texas may have led to a significant increase in the infant mortality rate.

Let’s start with the timeline. May 19, 2021 — Texas Senate Bill 8 (SB8) passes the Texas legislature and is signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott. The bill takes effect on September 1st, 2021, and restricts abortion in the lone-star state once a fetal heartbeat is detectable — about 6 weeks into a pregnancy.

It further provides a mechanism for public individuals to sue those who performs or facilitates an illegal abortion for a minimum of $10,000. The law makes no exceptions for rape or incest, and, importantly for this study, no…



F. Perry Wilson, MD MSCE

Medicine, science, statistics. Associate Professor of Medicine and Public Health at Yale. New book “How Medicine Works and When it Doesn’t” available now.