Testosterone Supplementation May Cause… Fracture?!

F. Perry Wilson, MD MSCE
5 min readJan 18, 2024

Randomized trial data suggests that the medication, which strengthens bones, increases the risk that they will break.

Here is a graph without any labels.

What could this line represent? Maybe it’s the stock price of some company that made a big splash but failed to live up to expectations. Maybe it’s an outbreak curve — charting the introduction of a new infectious agent to a population. Maybe it’s the performance of a particularly viral tweet?

I’ll tell you what it is in a moment, but I wanted you to recognize that there is something inherently wistful in this shape — something that speaks of past glory and inevitable declines. It’s a graph that induces a feeling of resistance — no — do not go gently into that goodnight.

What the graph actually represents, roughly, is the normal level of serum testosterone in otherwise healthy men as they age.



F. Perry Wilson, MD MSCE
F. Perry Wilson, MD MSCE

Written by F. Perry Wilson, MD MSCE

Medicine, science, statistics. Associate Professor of Medicine and Public Health at Yale. New book “How Medicine Works and When it Doesn’t” available now.

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